You can also mail your payment to us either by cheque or by postal order. Pengadaan Pengembangan Sistem Perizinan dan Registrasi Terintegrasi 2016. Pin On My Saves Including its successors in title and assigns to allow the Account Holder to request its bank to make inter-bank payments or collection of payments to either the Account Holders own account or to any third party accountss. . You can contact the ASNB Customer Service Centre at 03 - 7730 8899 for further assistance. Banks verification is required prior to submitting the form to us. Your site creates a Bill via API call. 2 months instalments of premium payments are required while waiting for banks approval. Dont login via email links. Debit Credit Card Number. The aim of NSI has been to attract funds from individual savers in the UK for the purpose of funding the governments deficit. 1 300 88 1900. Dont forget to clear your cache after logging out....